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Cloud & Datacenter

Security & Networking



We Transform For The Better

We are convinced that change is the driving force behind progress and innovation. Together with our partner network and our customers, we focus on digitalization as the main driver for sustainable transformation and are passionate about developing innovative solutions to create a better future for you and our society. This attitude characterizes us and drives us forward.

Become a part of a forward-thinking company that offers European quality and culture

The CANCOM Slovakia premises are in the Aupark Business Center in the heart of Kosice and offer premium office space, including access to a stunning roof terrace. Our office is the embodiment of our corporate culture, which is deeply strongly in the principle of team spirit.

The result is an open space in which it is easy to collaborate, therefore, we can take full advantage of the diversity of our team.

Kosice region is more to us than the place of our business

CANCOM Slovakia acts responsibly towards the region in which it is located. We are mindful of our role and so we support projects focusing on secondary education, underprivileged families and the environment.

Within the framework of cooperation with IT and bilingual high school FUTURUM, we prepare several lectures and are involved in the preparation of materials to improve the secondary education in the field of IT. The cooperation with the non-profit organization Dorka is aimed at the supporting disadvantaged families in the region, and we are also actively involved in the Plant a Tree / Make a Home project, which aims to preserve the green heritage for future generations.

CANCOM Slovakia as part of an international company

The Slovakian subsidiary is part of CANCOM based in Munich, Germany. The listed company has over 5.600 employees and provides over 40.000 customers with IT services in more than 80 countries. CANCOM is a a leading Hybrid IT Service Provider and develops new IT solutions for international customers to help them on their way into digitalized future. In order to comprehensively meet the IT needs of companies, organizations, and the public sector, CANCOM delivers tailor-made IT end to end from a single source.

CANCOM Slovakia Team
Reception +421 905 752 027